Marshall Simonds Middle School posts important information for students and their families:
This year, we will continue to use the iReady diagnostic tool for all students in grades 6 through 8. i-Ready is an online program for reading and/or mathematics that will help your child’s teacher(s) determine your child’s needs, personalize their learning, and monitor progress throughout the school year.
The i-Ready Diagnostic is an adaptive assessment that adjusts its questions to suit your student’s needs. Each item a student sees is individualized based on their answer to the previous question. For example, a series of correct answers will result in slightly harder questions, while a series of incorrect answers will yield slightly easier questions. Students began taking the iReady diagnostic test in school this week.
Water Filling Stations
Currently, we do not have water fountains available for student use. We do have water filling stations in three different locations in the building. Students are encouraged to bring a refillable water bottle with them to school each day.
Picture Days
Picture days have been scheduled for the mornings of Tuesday, October 19th and Wednesday, October 20th. More information about ordering will be shared with families once it is received from the photography company, Geskus.
Please visit our website to review the middle school Pick-up/Drop-off procedures.
We wanted to remind families dropping off and picking up their child to follow the established pick-up procedures. Please make sure that you are pulling all the way forward in the loop. Please do not stop at the door or where your child is waiting. Pulling forward allows more cars to be in position to drop-off or safely pick-up children and makes the process faster for everyone.
School Council- Call for Volunteers
The Marshall Simonds Middle School Council is composed of the principal, parents, teachers, and community members and serves to improve our school. The Council is responsible for formulating a school improvement plan that addresses the needs of students and acts as an advisory group to support the change process. We currently have one spot available for a sixth grade family member who is willing to serve on the Council. The meetings will take place about every four to six weeks on Tuesdays and will start at 3:30 pm. If you are interested in learning more about the School Council or would like to be considered for this role, please email Cari Perchase at before Monday, September 20, 2021.
Breakfast at MSMS
In cooperation with our food service’s department, we will be continuing with our breakfast program at MSMS. We are hopeful that this program will assist our students with starting their day with a healthy meal!
When they get to school in the morning, students should go directly to the cafeteria if they are eating breakfast, and will be sent to their homerooms at 7:35am.
iPad Updates
Student iPadOS Updates
The following is a message that has been communicated with all students from the BPS Digital Learning Team.
Please make sure to update your iPad to the newest version of iPadOS. iPads should always be kept up to date so that apps and WiFi settings work correctly. These updates should be completed while at home. That way your iPad will be ready to go for school the next day.
You can also set your iPadOS to update automatically when plugged in and charging overnight.
News from the Director of Technology Integration
Please see the Protocol for a Damaged or Lost Student iPad from the Director of Technology Integration.
Cell Phones
Cell phones and “smart” watches can be an extremely helpful communication tool and many families are comforted to know that they can contact their child after school through the use of a cell phone. While useful, cell phones can also create a distraction to student learning and can cause a disruption to the learning environment. Students at Marshall Simonds Middle School are expected to keep their cell phones turned off and put away throughout the school day. We understand that there are times when a student may need to contact a family member during the school day. Students should not be phoning or texting family members from the restrooms in school. We also ask that you refrain from texting students during the day. If a child needs to contact their family during the day, they may ask a teacher for permission to use their cell phone or to use the phone in the main office. If your child texts you that they are not feeling well, please refer them to the nurses’ office. This allows us to make sure that we know when a student may not be feeling well and provide necessary support. Thank you for your support and assistance in this matter.
Grade 8 Yearbook Order- Early Bird Discount
An email was sent to grade 8 families regarding a 10% discount if you order a yearbook prior to September 30, 2021. Please contact Mrs. Rogers, yearbook advisor, with any questions.
Textile Bins
You may have seen the white textile boxes located at each of the schools in Burlington. These boxes are part of the Bay State Textiles program that focuses on spreading awareness and seeks to educate the public about the problem of unwanted textiles. There is no cost to the program and Bay State Textiles handles all of the logistics. When you drop your unwanted textiles at the box in the front parking lot, that school receives a financial donation from the company. A list of textiles that will be accepted can be found here Please make MSMS your destination for donating unwanted textiles!
The William James INTERFACE Referral Service, offered through our Freedman Center, is a mental health and wellness referral Helpline available Monday through Friday, 9 am-5 pm, at 888-244-6843 (toll free). This is a free, confidential referral service for residents of Burlington. Callers are matched with licensed mental health providers from our extensive database, on average, within 2 weeks of their call to INTERFACE. Each referral best meets the location, insurance, and specialty needs of the caller. For more information please visit: William James INTERFACE Referral Service |
After School Activities
Marshall Simonds Middle School proudly offers a number of after school activities for students. Students should listen to the morning announcements, as initial meetings are usually communicated there. We will do our best to keep families informed through the newsletter as after school activities get underway.