News Stories

Board of Health Seeking Exhibitors for Annual Burlington Community Health Fair 

The Burlington Board of Health, in collaboration with Burlington Parks and Recreation, with sponsorship from Lahey Hospital & Medical Center, will be hosting a Community Health and Wellness Fair on Saturday, May 20th from 10:00 am- 1:00 pm at Burlington High School. The goal of the event is to encourage healthy living through education, screenings, activities, and, at the same time, increase awareness of local businesses and organizations that promote healthy living through healthy food, physical activity, and other health and wellness services.  

At this time, the Board of Health would like to invite local organizations to participate in this event free of charge.  Exhibitors will be provided with a free 6’ table to showcase information on health, wellness, and safety. We are looking for fun and interactive activities to educate and intrigue the community. Interested organizations can Click Here to complete the application.

Participants will be chosen based on the information/activities that will be presented and whether or not your area of expertise has been represented. Please provide a clear description of information and activities to be presented or performed at your table or space. For additional information, please contact the Burlington Board of Health at 781-270-1955.