Burlington joined the growing list of Massachusetts communities to comply with the MBTA Communities Act.
According to the 2021 law, Burlington had to create at least 50 acres of multi-family zoning, where developers could by right build at least 15 units per acre of density. A plan constructed by the Planning Board and a working group cobbled together more than 50 acres, primarily of areas that are already zoned multi-family, as well as about eight acres of current commercial area, the so-called Staples triangle, that is ripe for a more mixed-use redevelopment.
“I am so excited because it means we can move on to more exciting planning topics like mixed-use in the Mall Road district and a bike path connection to the Minuteman bike trail, all sorts of things I’ve had to put on hold for this,” said Planning director Liz Bonventre. “I’m really excited to move on and get to work on other things.”
The town’s plan has already gotten the thumbs-up from the state, meaning the Planning Board won’t have to come back to Town Meeting in September with any amendments requested by the state.
The article passed Town Meeting Wednesday night despite a push from some Town Meeting Member Jeff DiBona to postpone the vote to September’s Town Meeting, and an effort from Town Meeting Member Kevin Coluci to remove the Staples triangle from the item.
“These actions are intended to strengthen our financial stability into the future, and how that happens it by growing our Burlington community,” said Economic Development Director Melisa Tintocalis. “Keeping people out, declining enrollment in our schools is not going to be a recipe for a successful, growing community. It’s important to think of our zoning as adaptable. We are able to change because our community needs change.”