Library News, News Stories

Burlington Public Library Launches World Language Collection

Library Director Michael Wick said in a release is pleased to announce that the Burlington Public Library has launched a World Language Collection that will continue to grow moving forward.

The library has introduced a section of books written in Hindi and Gujarati, which is located on the second floor.

“These two languages are among the most requested from our community, so we are excited to be able to add them at the beginning of building out a collection of stories and texts from around the world,” Wick said.

Additionally, the library plans to add books written in other languages and is seeking patrons’ feedback and recommendations as it looks to expand its collection. At this time, suggestions for specific books in specific languages are being accepted, rather than more broad suggestions.

To recommend a book, complete the online form here.

Paper forms are also available at the service desks at the library. Suggested items should fit into BPL’s general collection development policy, and the final decision about which books to add will be made by the librarians.

Anyone with questions is encouraged to contact a reference librarian at 781-270-1691 or by email at