After a year and a half of offering services exclusively remotely, and seeing some programs halted altogether, the Burlington Senior Center opened its doors to Burlington seniors last week.
“It has been a wild ride the last 16 months but it is finally time to cautiously scale back up,” Council on Aging Director Marge McDonald said. “We have started with a couple of activities and we are all very excited to have most of our activities back up and running.”
McDonald said many activities will be offered both in person and online, including Coffee Hour, Sophia, Paining and Mah Jong. Some activities that will be in-person only include the Nitwits, Meditation, Walking Group, Bridge and Scrabble. The ever-popular BINGO won’t return until September and Exercise With Judy will stay virtual through the summer.
McDonald also asks that everyone register for activities so that they know how many people will be attending and can set up the room for proper social distancing.
She is also asking that everyone be kind to each other and respect people’s choice to wear masks if it makes them more comfortable.
“The last 16 months have been painful and difficult for everyone and some people have gotten through it better than others,” she said. “I ask you to be kind, allow people to wear their masks without judgement and if you want to wear yours know the Senior Center is a safe place to do so. We ask that you respect everyone’s boundaries and give everyone a little more space than before COVID.”
Finally, McDonald said she, the staff and the volunteers are excited to see Burlington’s seniors return to the center.
“It’s been a long time with no-one in a building that was meant to have a lot of people in it,” she said. “We can’t wait to see you all walk through our doors.”
Click Here for a copy of the July newsletter.