The Cambridge Street Closet is a resource for any Burlington Public Schools student or family member in need of gently used/new clothing. Items available are coats, pants, shirts, socks, pajamas, or shoes, school supplies, and personal hygiene items. The Cambridge Street Closet is located in the Burlington High School next to the Science Center.
Organizers are particularly grateful to the BHS Life Skills class and Evening Academy for donating their time to organize the donations received from the HELPIS organization and the Burlington community.
High School staff, if you know of any students in need of any of the above supplies or who have additional needs, please feel free to contact us or bring the students directly to the Cambridge Street Closet.
Elementary and Middle School students in need of any of the above supplies or who have additional needs reach out and arrangements can be made for the family to visit the Cambridge Street Closet.
For inquiries, donations and any other questions contact: Chrissy Conceison, Renee Dacey, Daniela DeSousa, Kerri Lamprey, Katey Sullivan, Kara Kerwin, Jill Graham, and Rosemary DeSousa.