If you are interested in getting involved in local government to make a difference in Burlington now is the time to throw your hat in the ring. The election cycle for 2023 has started.
If you would like to know more about a particular office go to Burlington.org and there is all the information you need know about the different departments/offices in the Your Government section
Nomination papers for the 2023 Annual Town Election are now available in the Town Clerk’s office at Town Hall. Nomination papers must be taken out by February 8 at 5 p.m. There are a number of open seats for either Town Wide or Representative Town Meeting.
If you have an interest in running you will need to :
1) Go to Town Clerk’s office
2) Take out nomination papers for the seat you are interested in
3) Gather signatures from Registered Burlington Voters – at least 10 for a Representation Town Meeting Member seat or 50 for a Town Wide office
4) Return the Nomination papers by February 11th.
5) Run a campaign for the Election on April 1st.
Town Wide seats include Town Moderator, Select Board (1), School Committee (2), Assessor (1), Library Trustees (4-3yr-2, 2yr-1, 1yr-1), Planning Board (2-5y-1, 1yr-1), Board of Health (1), Housing Authority (1), Recreation Commission (1) and Shawsheen Tech HS (1).
Though papers just recently became available, there are already a handful of candidates who have pulled them and started collecting signatures. These include incumbent Town Moderator Bill Beyer, incumbent Jim Tigges for Select Board, incumbents Katherine Bond and Carl Foss, as well as challenger Jeremy Brooks for School Committee, incumbents ToniAnn Natola (1 yr) and Jessica Sutherland (5 yr) for Planning Board, and incumbent Maribeth Welch for Board of Health.
There are also a number of Town Meeting seats that are open. If you are interested in a Town Meeting seat, but not sure where to start, you can call the Clerk’s office (781-270-1660) for more information or check out this link on the town’s website.
The 2023 Burlington Town Election will be held on Saturday, April 1 and the polls will be located at Burlington High School. As with all town elections the polls will be open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.