The devastating war in Ukraine has driven hundreds of thousands from their homes and into survival mode having lost everything. Burlington’s DaMore Law recently took the initiative to help the Ukrainians in their dire situation.
Through a social media post DaMore Law found out that the Burlington High School National Honor Society was running a general supply drive for Ukrainian and Syrian refugees and reached out. Nicole Dupuis is the Director of Business Management at DaMore Law.
“They were up to the idea of DaMore being a drop off location. We’re right off of Cambridge Street, so we’re a great drop off location. We do it during Thanksgiving, we do it for the seniors at Christmas. We work with HELPIS and I’m involved with Womenade,” said Dupuis.
DaMore Law contacted NuDay, an organization that focuses on women and children who feel the brunt of humanitarian conflict. NuDay makes sure women and children are the first to receive aid.
“Our office manager went back and forth with that organization. We organized everything, and we packed everything up the way that they wanted it. We brought two truck loads plus a car to a drop off location in Burlington and then they have a truck that comes and picks everything up,” explained Dupuis.
DaMore Law put a lot of work into the collection and organizing of the various donated items. You can see some of the effort in this photo gallery.
No matter when Russia’s assault on the people and sovereignty of Ukraine ends, the needs of those affected will continue for some time to come. To make your own donations and learn more about NuDay visit the NuDay website or NuDay Facebook.