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Election Update – Jennifer Priest Pulls Paper for Town Clerk Position, Two Planning Board Members Not Seeking Re-Election

Election season is taking shape in Burlington. Many candidates have pulled papers seeking re-election, but a few new faces are throwing their names in the race.

After nineteen years of service, Town Clerk Amy Warfield has announced her retirement. The Select Board has voted to place the Office of Town Clerk on the ballot. The duration of the term will be for the one year remaining of Warfield’s final term. Currently, Jennifer Priest is the sole candidate to pull papers. Priest currently serves on the Fox Hill School Building Committee as a parent representative, and worked as the Office Manager for Burlington Youth & Family Services.

Currently, the only race looking to be contested is for two five-year seats on the Planning Board. Bill Gaffney, current Chair of the Planning Board, and longtime Board Member Ernie Covino have both decided to not seek re-election. Covino served thirty-six years on the Planning Board, and eight years on the Zoning Board of Appeals prior. Three residents have pulled papers: Gregory Ryan, who currently represents Precinct One in Town Meeting, Jeremy Harrington, who currently sits on the Zoning Board of Appeals, and Jack Kelly, a Precinct Seven Town Meeting member who previously served on the Planning Board for seventeen years and stepped down in 2019. 

Over on the Select Board there are two three-year seats open. Nick Priest is seeking re-election. This would be his third term, beginning his first in 2019, and then securing re-election in 2022. Mike Espejo, who is currently Vice Chair of the Select Board, joined the board in 2022 is also seeking re-election.

In the race for School Committee there are also two three-year seats open and both candidates are seeking re-election. Melissa Massardo, who first joined the committee in 2022, is seeking a second term and has already returned papers. Committee Chair Christine Monaco who has served over thirty years on the School Committee is also seeking re-election.

Another race that is currently uncontested is the Board of Health, where there are two three-year seats open. Dr. Edward Weiner, who is the current chair, has served on the Board of Health for over thirty years and is seeking re-election. Gayle DaMore is also seeking re-election, having first won a seat on the Board in 2022. 

Residents seeking to run for office have from now until Wednesday February 12 to obtain nomination papers, which can be picked up at the Town Clerk’s office. Those seeking a town-wide office must collect a minimum of 50 signatures from registered voters. 

Friday February 14 will be the last day to file nomination papers with the Board of Registrars.

Burlington’s Annual Town Election will be Saturday April 5th, will polls open at Burlington High School from 8 am to 8 pm. We’ll have plenty more election updates in the weeks to come.Â