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Lahey Hospital Announces Free Parking For Seniors Effective November 1st

Lahey Hospital & Medical Center, in collaboration with the Burlington Planning Board, has made parking free for senior citizens over the age of 60.

This new policy came about when Lahey came before the Planning Board to make adjustments to their parking on their Mall Road campus. Part of these adjustments included improving the process of parking for seniors.

“They already were providing vouchers, but the process was a bit broken,” explained Planning Board Chair William Gaffney, “Thanks to Lahey for coming up with a process that looks pretty robust and repeatable and reliable.”

According to a post on the Burlington Planning Department’s X (Formerly Twitter) account, this new process will go into effect on November 1. Free parking will be valid for only the main hospital campus at 41 and 31 Mall Road. Seniors must bring proof of residency, age, and appointment for validation.

During the October 7 meeting of the Select Board, Vice Chair Mike Espejo took a moment to congratulate the Planning Board for their efforts.

“They’ve been pushing this for a long time, even back when I was on the Planning Board, and I’m glad to see they got it done.” said Espejo. “It’s a great thing for the seniors. Anything we can do for the seniors in town to help with their expenses is a good thing.”