Letters to the Editor, Town Election Letters to the Editor

Letter to the Editor: Re-Elect Joe Morandi

The following is a letter to the editor and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of BNEWS.

Joe Morandi LEADS

L= Leader, as a Select Board member and Chair, Joe has led the town through difficult times and saw to it that the residents continued to receive town amenities.

E = Experienced, Joe has served Town Meeting, Zoning Board of Appeals, Select Board and many sub committees, he is well seasoned and experienced in government policies and procedures.

A = Achiever, Joe has achieved the quality infrastructure needs of the town to continue to prosper and grow.

D = Dedicated, Joe is a dedicated business owner (4 decades) and resident supporting, Recreation programs, youth sports, organizations, and charities.

S = Successful, Joe and his peers have maintained an affordable tax rate, and work well with all boards/committees, departments, residents, and businesses.

Please cast one of your votes for Joe Morandi, Select Board.

The growth of Burlington needs Joe.

-Jack Ferren