Letters to the Editor, Town Election Letters to the Editor

Letter to the Editor: Supporting Meghan Nawoichik

The following is a letter to the editor and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of BNEWS. 


As an educator of 23 years and a life-long Burlington resident, I am writing to express my enthusiastic endorsement for Meghan Nawoichik as a candidate for School Committee.

I have had the pleasure of teaching both of Meghan’s children and getting to know her as a devoted, involved parent and someone who is committed to making Burlington the best community to live in. I admire the way she consistently supports and advocates for the well-being and academic success of her children; and her respect and appreciation for teachers does not go unnoticed. As a parent of students within the Burlington School District, Meghan brings a unique perspective to the table– one that is deeply rooted in the day-to-day realities of our school community. Also, as President of SEPAC (Burlington Special Education Parent Advisory Council) and Town Meeting Member, she understands the challenges facing our schools and teachers, and I know that she is someone who will listen and respond to the concerns of educators, parents, and community members. I am confident that Meghan will always represent the best interests of Burlington students and educators.
Meghan Nawoichik is the right choice for our Schoo

l Committee. She has passion, integrity, and a deep understanding of the needs of our students and schools– the qualities and values needed to make a positive impact on our school system. I encourage you to join me in supporting Meghan on Election Day.

Lynne O’Neill