November 27, 2024
Middlesex 3 Coalition National Defense Round Table with Congressman Seth Moulton2024-11-272024-12-06/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/logo.jpgBurlington Access TV
The Middlesex 3 Coalition held a National Defense Roundtable sponsored by Donovan Strategies. Discussion centered around the growing strategic threat posed by The People’s Republic of China.
View the entire discussion here.
Thaddeus (Tad) Stephanak is BCAT’s Social Media Director and Production Coordinator. Tad is a regular contributor to BNEWS and produces our BNEWS Specials, Burlington Life and several of our special features including Chamber Spotlight, Eye on Nature and Local Economic Development. A graduate of Emerson College Tad spent many years in Los Angeles employed in the entertainment industry before returning back east and has been with BCAT since 2007.