The United Church of Christ Congregational wants folks to join them for a live nativity scene this Saturday, Dec. 24, Christmas Eve Day, from noon-2 p.m.
“There’s plenty of parking so come on by,” said Deb Raymond, the Christian Education Director at the Burlington church. “There might have not been room at the inn, but there will be enough room at the manger!”
The church is looking for volunteers to reenact the parts of Mary, Joseph, Shepherds and more for the Nativity scene on the front lawn of the church. The cast might even include a census taker because it’s said at the time of the birth of Jesus, a census was being conducted and everyone was ordered home. Hence, no room at the inn.
UCC Burlington is asking for 30-minute commitments from their characters from 12 p.m.-12:30 p.m., 12:30 p.m.-1 p.m., 1 p.m.-1:30 PM, or 1:30 p.m.-2 p.m.
“That means, potentially, we could need four Marys, four Josephs and so forth,” Raymond said.
And depending on the weather, more volunteers might be needed if it’s too cold for some to do a full 30 minutes.
Call or text Deb Raymond at 857-373-9156 if you want to participate or have questions.