September 18, 2023
Parks & Rec. Kick Off Fall 2023 with Annual ‘Truck Day’ Event2023-09-182024-08-07/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/logo.jpgBurlington Access TV
Fall doesn’t officially begin in Burlington until Truck Day comes back to town. Parks & Recreation Director Brendan Egan spoke on the department’s efforts organizing all the vehicles and vendors for this year’s event. Stay tuned to BCAT for our full coverage of Truck Day.
(Special thanks to Jon Sachs for his drone footage.)
Aarushi Dayma
Aarushi Dayma is part of the class of 2026 at Burlington High School, and she is a part of BCAT’s high school club. She is an aspiring lawyer, but she loves embracing her creative side. At BCAT, Aarushi helps with the production of the Devil’s Sunrise and other news stories around Burlington. Her favorite stories to cover are anything hosted at the common and anything to do with trucks!