The Select Board is putting together a Design Advisory Committee to explore optimal designs for an electronic sign that would go on the corner of Cambridge and Bedford streets.
Currently, there are two posts on the corner of the Town Common where banners can be strung up for the public to see.
At its Dec.12 meeting, it was decided the committee will be made up of two Select Board members, two Planning Board members, one Zoning Bylaw Review Committee member and one member of the Zoning Board of Appeals. The big discussions will be the size of the sign, light patterns and even fonts, with the ultimate goal of having something to present at Town Meeting next month.
“There’s a lot to do between now and Town Meeting in January,” said Select Board Chair Nick Priest.
To start the process, Priest said they had Town Counsel draw up an initial zoning bylaw amendment, which was passed around to other boards to review and get feedback on, including the Zoning Board of Appeals and Planning Board. Board members acknowledged they saw the revised amendment and had no issues.
Board member Joe Morandi, a former member of the ZBA for six years, volunteered for the committee. Board member Jim Tigges suggested the Parks & Recreation and Police departments should be kept up to date of the proceedings due to potential safety issues. The board agreed.