School News

Students Continue to Strive to ‘Be the 1’ at Fox Hill

Students continue to strive to “Be the 1” at Fox Hill Elementary School. Be the 1 is our whole school positive behavior system (PBIS) based on our school values of safety, kindness, respect and responsibility. When a staff member sees a student exemplifying one of our values, the student is rewarded with a Be the 1 ticket.

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All the tickets each week are put in a large display of the number 1. When there are enough tickets to meet the goal line, we have a whole school reward to celebrate students’ positive contributions to our school.

As excitement builds to our first whole school reward of the year, students are curious to learn what the first reward will be. In years past, our rewards have been a special opportunity for the whole school to come together as a community to enjoy a hard earned activity. This year our first whole school reward will take place on November 12. It will be a whole school rock, paper, scissors tournament and dance party. Students and staff are looking forward to a year of fun activities while celebrating positive behavior and our school values.

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