Notice is hereby given that there are vacancies: Precinct 1 – One Vacancy Precinct 7 – One Vacancy Those who wish to be appointed to fill such vacancy shall contact […]
For the first time, a committee of Town Meeting members met to consider the pros and cons of electronic voting systems for their legislative body, in accordance with a warrant […]
Burlington’s Signage Subcommittee is finalizing the language for a new bylaw that would establish signage districts and create the rules for Town Center, the first such district the subcommittee [...]
A warrant article that would have created a mechanism for Burlington voters to recall elected officials failed at Town Meeting Wednesday as Town Meeting Members worried about the potential for [...]
Town Meeting Wednesday night voted to allow up to 15 Town Meeting Members to attend remotely through hybrid meeting technology, but postponed the vote that would have sent a home […]
Burlington’s Town Meeting Monday night voted 97-7 to fund a new Fox Hill Elementary School, projected to cost $100.4 million, with about $31 million reimbursed by the Massachusetts School [...]
When Burlington voters cast their ballots in the April, 2025 local election, one item up for their consideration will be whether or not to transition the Town Clerk position from […]
Burlington’s Town Meeting has 126 members, with 18 members in each of seven precincts. According to Town Meeting and Rules Committee Member Myrna Saltman, those 126 people don’t know [...]
The Burlington Select Board on Monday voted to support a Town Meeting warrant article that would seek a home rule petition to extend liquor licenses granted to the Burlington Mall […]
Notice is hereby given that there are vacancies: Precinct 1– One Vacancy Precinct 3 – One Vacancy Precinct 7 – One Vacancy Those who wish to be appointed to fill […]
After Town Meeting in May asked for more information on the possibility of changing the Town Clerk position from an elected to an appointed role, the Select Board Monday night […]
When Massachusetts legalized recreational cannabis, Burlington opted not to allow its sales within the town. But a town resident who works in the cannabis industry is pushing for the town […]
Burlington joined the growing list of Massachusetts communities to comply with the MBTA Communities Act. According to the 2021 law, Burlington had to create at least 50 acres of multi-family […]
Town Meeting on May 20 approved $2.3 million to renovate Overlook Park, with the possibility of $1 million of that being reimbursed by a federal grant. BNEWS spoke with Parks […]
After two hours of debate, Town Meeting on Monday approved a $4.77 million project to renovate the lower brush field at Marshall Simonds Middle School, including installing turf, ADA-accessible [...]
After voting Monday to pull a $6.7 million warrant for significant upgrades to fields around Marshall Simonds Middle School, the School Committee Tuesday rescinded their vote, effectively keeping [...]
The Burlington School Committee voted Monday night to postpone a warrant article that would have sought to bond $6.72 million to renovate fields at Marshall Simonds Middle School. The article [...]
In the first night of Annual Town Meeting, Burlington’s appropriating body approved department budgets for town government in Fiscal Year 2025 and signed off on 30 capital budget items to […]