Do you want to get involved in local government? The Burlington Town Election is coming soon and there is still time to take out papers and run for town office.
Town wide seats include Town Moderator, Select Board (1), School Committee (2), Assessor (1), Library Trustees (3yr-2, 2yr-1, 1yr-1), Planning Board (5y-1, 1yr-1), Board of Health (1), Housing Authority (1), Recreation Commission (1) and Shawsheen Tech HS (1).
In a list of candidates who have taken papers from Town Clerk’s Amy Warfield’s office, we can see who has thrown their hat into the ring and what races are looking to be contested.
In the School Committee race there are two seats up this year. Thus far current members Katherine Bond and Carl Foss have pulled papers, as has challenger Jeremy Brooks who ran for a seat and lost in last year’s election.
There are two seats open for the Planning Board. Jessica Sutherland is running unopposed for the 5 year seat. She is currently serving on the board after being appointed last August to fill longtime Planning Board member Paul Raymond’s seat. The one year seat may be a contested race. Current member, ToniAnn Natal, also appointed to the board, has taken out and returned papers. Sunil Prajapati has taken out papers, but has not returned them yet.
Incumbent Jim Tigges is so far the only person to pull papers for the one open position on the Select Board. The 3 year seat for the Library of Trustees and the Recreation Commission may also see contested races if all papers are returned.
The slate of candidates is filling up but there are still a number of open seats for Town Meeting. What is Town Meeting you might ask? Town Meeting is the legislative branch of town government. Town meeting members have an opportunity to vote on a variety of issues in Town. Some examples of impact include:
- Budgeting and funding levels for Board of Health, Police, Schools, Recreation, Council on Aging, Department of Public Works, and general Town Administration.
- Bylaw Review and Zoning Issues
- Human Services (Transportation, Economics)
- Land Use and Open Space
- Town Facilities
The deadline for taking out nomination papers is Wednesday, Feb. 8 at 5p.m., and the papers must be returned by Friday, Feb. 10 at 1 p.m.
Click Here for a complete list of which seats have had candidates pull papers.
The 2023 Burlington Town Election will be held on Saturday, April 1 and the polls will be located at Burlington High School. As with all town elections the polls will be open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.