Burlington Town Clerk Amy Warfield has released a letter regarding her retirement at the end of April.
“At Monday’s Select Board meeting, with mixed emotions, I announced my retirement effective April 30th, 2025. It has been an honor to serve the citizens of Burlington. I am deeply grateful for the opportunities I have had to contribute to the success of the town over the past 19 years.
The Select Board voted to place the Office of Town Clerk on the ballot at the Annual Town Election on April 5th. The duration of the term will be for the one year remaining. If you have questions or maybe a potential candidate, please contact the Town Clerk’s office for information.
Serving as Town Clerk has been one of the most enjoyable activities in my lifetime. I will always cherish the relationships I have built with the public and the growth we have achieved together.”
Click here to watch Amy Warfield’s announcement to the Select Board.