Burlington Town Meeting will convene at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, January 27. Along with some procedural fund transfers, there are several warrant articles of particular interest.
The full warrant is available here, but let’s take a look at some key items.Â
The Proposed Mixed Use Innovation District (MIX)
The proposed mixed use zoning district, dubbed the MIX district, would streamline a patchwork of different zoning types in the Burlington Mall area into one unified district, and allow for more infill development that wouldn’t be permitted under the current zoning scheme. The plan has been years in the making by Economic Development Director Melisa Tintocalis. According to Tintocalis, the change could make way for mixed-use developments, with retail space on the ground floor and residential units up above, that, over the course of 10 years, could bring in about 1,125 people and an estimated net revenue of $52 million. The Select Board voted unanimously in support of the proposal, while the Planning Board voted mixed. Â
Amendment’s to Accessory Dwelling Units
The Affordable Housing Act, passed by the state allows for accessory dwelling units (ADUs) on the same lot as a single-family house as long as the unit is no larger than 900 square feet. The new law is an effort to increase the range of housing choices, encourage greater diversity of population with particular attention to young adults and senior citizens. The Accessory Dwelling Unit Bylaw Amendment would place dimensional guidelines on ADUs, height restrictions, off-street parking requirements and other matters with the goal of maintaining the character of the town’s single family neighborhoods.
Middle Housing Overlay District
Town Meeting will vote on whether to amend zoning bylaws to create a mixed-use middle housing overlay district in Burlington’s Town Center – in other words, areas where developers can build three-story apartment or condo buildings with retail on the ground floor. Fifteen percent of units would be designated affordable. The new district, if approved by Town Meeting, would create small pockets where the new housing type would be permitted: On Terry Ave, on Grant Ave, and at the corner of Cambridge St. and Kinney Ave, the old Mass Glass location.Â
Burlington Signage Districts & Sign Regulations
The Signage Subcommittee of the Zoning Bylaw Review Committee is presenting a bylaw that would establish signage districts and create the rules for Town Center, the first such district the subcommittee has focused on. More on how it took shape and the district regulations here. The Planning Board voted to support the bylaw.
Rescind Prohibition on Marijuana Establishments
A proposal to rescind the prohibition of marijuana sales that was passed in 2017, is being put forward by town meeting member Alex Rutfield on behalf of town resident Will Seagaard. This bylaw change is the first of three steps, including a zoning bylaw amendment which was removed from the warrant, before a recreational dispensary could be established in town.
Town Meeting will also decide on financial articles including a contract for technology cyber security and network infrastructure upgrades for the town and schools and authorize funds for roads, bridges and other transportation infrastructure.