Video Voyagers is a FREE program for
students in 6th-8th gradeWednesdays 3pm-5pm at the BCAT studio
Video Voyagers is a program where participants learn about BCAT facilities and video production. Video Voyagers is managed by BCAT Production Coordinators. Participants are taught proper use of basic video equipment as well as in-studio and on location production.
Video Voyagers encourages participants to conceive and develop their own ideas and teaches them how to bring those ideas to life through video production. The videos are shot over the course of each school semester (Fall 2015/Spring 2016) and edited into a half hour television program for broadcast on BCAT and are available for viewing on demand at the BCAT website and on BCAT’s YouTube channel. Participants work both in front of the camera as talent and behind the camera taking turns as director, camera operator and all around crew. Regular support is given to all participants with a particular interest in any of aspect of production.
Check out our videos below to see of the work created in past seasons.
Video Voyager FEATURED VIDEo
Video Voyager ARCHIVED Projects